Bids & RFPs
Per statute 119.071(3)
If an agency rejects all bids, proposals, or replies submitted in response to a competitive solicitation and the agency concurrently provides notice of its intent to reissue the competitive solicitation, the rejected bids, proposals, or replies remain exempt from s. 119.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution until such time as the agency provides notice of an intended decision concerning the reissued competitive solicitation or until the agency withdraws the reissued competitive solicitation. A bid, proposal, or reply is not exempt for longer than 12 months after the initial agency notice rejecting all bids, proposals, or replies.
Martin Chicas
Manager, Procurement Services
M/WBE’s are encouraged to bid.
Visit our website at or contact Purchasing at 863.297.1083 with questions or comments.
(Use the menu in the left-hand column to browse recent and/or pending RFQ’s.)
+ RFP #18-02 College-Wide Roof Repairs
Request for Proposals
RFP #18-02
College-Wide Roof RepairsUpdate 7.6.18: Polk State is canceling RFP #18-02 College-Wide Roofing Repairs due to no qualified bidders and will reissue the RFP in the near future date TBD.
Per statute 119.071(3)
If an agency rejects all bids, proposals, or replies submitted in response to a competitive solicitation and the agency concurrently provides notice of its intent to reissue the competitive solicitation, the rejected bids, proposals, or replies remain exempt from s. 119.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution until such time as the agency provides notice of an intended decision concerning the reissued competitive solicitation or until the agency withdraws the reissued competitive solicitation. A bid, proposal, or reply is not exempt for longer than 12 months after the initial agency notice rejecting all bids, proposals, or replies.
Polk State College invites qualified firms to submit proposals for the above-referenced contracts.
RFP documents are available at Polk State College Purchasing Department located at:
Polk State College
Administration Building / Room WAD-139
999 Ave H, Northeast
Winter Haven, FL 33881-4299Additionally, RFP documents can be downloaded below:
RFP #18-02 College-Wide Roof Repairs
Update 5/10/18:
Attachment 1
Attachment 2
Attachment 3
Attachment 4
Document 9
Update 5/14/18:
Pre-proposal sign-in sheet
Business CardsA pre-proposal conference will be held on May 11, 2018, at 2 p.m. in room WLR 104. Attendance is mandatory.
Submittals must be received by the Purchasing Department no later than 4 p.m. on May 29th, 2018. Submittals received after such time will be returned unopened.
Contact Mark Lillquist, Director of Purchasing at for further information.+ RFP # 18-01 Banking Services
Request for Proposals
RFP # 18-01
Banking ServicesPolk State College (PSC) invites qualified firms to submit proposals for the above-referenced contracts.
If unable to download the documents they are available at PSC’s Purchasing Department located at:Polk State College
Administration Building / Room WAD-139
999 Ave H, NortheastSubmittals must be received by the Purchasing Department no later than 4 PM on March 6, 2018. Submittals received after such time will be returned unopened.
Contact Mark Lillquist, Director of Purchasing at for further information.
M/WBE’s are encouraged to participate in the RFP process.
Download RFP 18-01 Banking Services here.
Update 02/16/18: RFP #18-01 Addendum 1
Update 03/01/18: An incorrect Date in Addendum #1 was posted, the responses to the RFP are due on March 6, 2018, at 4 pm not on April 3, 2018. We will accept completed responses before the March 6th due date however the deadline is March 6th at 4 pm. Our apologies for any confusion.
Update 03/06/18: RFP 2018-01 Banking Services Due: March 6, 2018, 4:00 p.m.- Center State Bank
- Citizen Bank and Trust
- Sun Trust Bank
- TD Bank
- Wells Fargo Bank
Update 03/20/18: RFP 18-01 Banking Services Intent to Award Notice
+ ITB# 17-01 (Lawn Maintenance Services) Posted April 28, 2017
Polk State College invites qualified firms to submit bids for Lawn Maintenance Services with Polk State College.
ITB package documents are available here.Requests for ITB documents can be made via email to or via fax at 863. 297.1085.
Update 05/08/17: Sign-in sheets
Update 05/10/17: BID 17-01 Addendum #1
Update 05/11/17: Bid Submittal Form
Update 05/16/17: BID 17-01 Addendum #2
Update 05/16/17: BID 17-01 Addendum #2a (Clarification of addendum 2 regarding palm trees)
Update 06/06/17: BID 17-01 Tabulation+ RFP #16-03 (Custodial Services)
Polk State College invites qualified firms to submit qualification proposals for Custodial Services with Polk State College.
RFQ package documents are available on October 14, 2016 at Polk State College’s Purchasing Department which is located at:Polk State College
Administration Building
Room WAD 139
999 Avenue H, NE
Winter Haven, FL 33881-4299Requests for RFQ documents can be made via email to or via fax at 863. 297.1085.
RFQ documents can be downloaded from:
Update 10/14/16: RFP #16-03 Custodial Services
Update 10/21/16: RFP #16-03 Addendum #1
Update 10/26/16: RFP #16-03 Sample Contract & Exhibits
Update 10/28/16:
RFP #16-03 Pre-Proposal conference PowerPoint presentation
Business Cards
Update 11/07/16: RFP #16-03 Addendum #2
Update 11/08/16: RFP #16-03 Addendum #3
Update 11/15/16: RFP #16-03 Submittals
Update 12/09/16:
Polk State College’s e-Team for RFP 16-03 Custodial Services has scored the written proposals. The results are posted below.
Please refer to section 5 on page 18 of the RFQ for the next step in this process. Thank You.Update 12/12/16: Oral Presentations for RFP 16-03 Custodial Services have been cancelled by the e-team. We are continuing with the RFP process and will post the recommendation of the e-team once they reach that point. Thank You.
Update 01/10/17: Intent to award notice for custodial services
+ RFQ 16-01 (Architect & Engineering)
RFQ #16-01 for Architect & Engineering Services Continuing Services Contract
Pre-Proposal Conference Notes May 13, 2016
Evaluation Team Membership
Vendor Sign-in Sheet
Vendor Business Cards (RFQ #16-01)
Jessica Lunsford ActUpdate 5/10/16: Addendum 1
Update 5/20/16: Addendum 2 Video can be accessed HERE.
Update 05/24/16: Addendum 3
Update 06/07/16: List of Submittals
Update 06/24/16: Meeting Notice & Agenda
Update 06/30/16: Shortlist and Presentation Schedule
Update 08/08/16: Intent to Award Notice for RFQ #16-01
+ RFQ 16-02 (CM @ Risk)- Continuing Services
RFQ #16-02 for Construction Management at Risk Continuing Services Contract
Pre-Proposal Conference Notes May 13, 2016
Evaluation Team Membership
Vendor Sign-in Sheet
Vendor Business Cards (RFQ #16-02)
Jessica Lunsford ActUpdate 5/10/16: Addendum 1
Update 5/20/16: Addendum 2 Video can be accessed HERE.
Update 05/24/16: Addendum 3
Update 06/07/16: List of Submittals
Update 06/24/16: Meeting Notice & Agenda
Update 06/30/16: Shortlist and Presentation Schedule
Update 08/08/16: Intent to Award Notice for RFQ #16-02+ ITN 15-02 Flight Training Provider
Invitation to Negotiate (ITN)
ITN #15-02 Flight Training Provider
- Polk State College invites qualified firms to submit proposals for Flight Training Provider services.
The Intent to Award Notice can be viewed here: ITN 15-02 Intent to Award Notice.
- ITN 15-02 Flight Training Provider Short List Notice: Please see the attached score sheet for the Flight Training Provider ITN 15-02. Per the terms of the ITN, the top two proposers have moved onto simultaneous negotiations. The two proposers moving forward are HOVA and Sunrise Aviation.
- In an effort to make responding easier, we are posting the pages containing the Appendixes (pg 23-50) in Word format for all who are planning on responding: Appendix Documents in Word.
- Addendum #1 to ITN 15-02 was issued on May 13, 2015 and is available here: ITN 15-02 Addendum 1.
- ITN package documents are available on May 1, 2015 at Polk State College’s Purchasing Department which is located at:
Polk State College
Administration Building Room WAD 139
999 Avenue H, NE
Winter Haven, FL 33881-4299- Requests for ITN documents can be made via Email to or via facsimile at (863) 297-1085. ITN documents can be downloaded here: ITN #15-02 Bid Document.
Submittal forms are available in Word format here.
- Proposals must be received by the Purchasing Department no later than 4:00 p.m. May 22, 2015. Proposals received after that time will be returned unopened.
M/WBE’s are encouraged to bid.
Visit our website at or contact Purchasing at (863) 297-1083 with questions or comments.
+ RFP #15-01 (CNC) Milling & Turning Instructional Software
Request for Proposals (RFP)
RFP #15-01 (CNC) Milling and Turning
Instructional SoftwarePolk State College invites qualified firms to submit proposals for (CNC) Milling and Turning Instructional Software.
- Announcement: April 15, 2015
The Evaluation Team recommends to the President the approval of the ranking and to authorize the President’s Designee to enter into a contract with Immersive Engineering, and authorizes the President to execute the contract.
Scoring from the Evaluation Team:
Immersive Engineering weighted score: 90.4
MTS weighted score: 77.6- Addendum #1 to RFP #15-01 was issued on March 10, 2015 and is available here: RFP #15-01 Addendum 1. Please follow the link to view the changes that were made to the RFP schedule.
- RFP package documents are available on March 2, 2015 at Polk State College’s Purchasing Department which is located at:
Polk State College
Administration Building Room WAD 139
999 Avenue H, NE
Winter Haven, FL 33881-4299- Requests for RFP documents can be made via Email to or via facsimile at (863) 297-1085. RFP documents can be downloaded here: RFP #15-01 Bid Document
The submittal forms are available in Word format here and an updated box label can be downloaded here.
- The due date for proposals was changed from April 3, 2015 to April 8, 2015. Proposals must be received by the Purchasing Department no later than 4:00 p.m. on April 8, 2015. Proposals received after that time will be returned unopened.
M/WBE’s are encouraged to bid.
Visit our website at or contact Purchasing at (863) 297-1083 with questions or comments.
Purchasing Department
863-297-1083 RFQ 15-03 (Architect & Engineering Svcs) & RFQ 15-04 (CM @ Risk)- WLR 3rd Floor
Request for Qualification (RFQ)
RFQ #15-03 Architect & Engineering Services- WLR 3rd Floor Remodel/Renovation
RFQ #15-04 Construction Management at Risk Services- WLR 3rd Floor Remodel/Renovation
- Polk State College invites qualified firms to submit qualification proposals for Architect & Engineering Services and/or Construction Management at Risk Services for the remodel/renovation of the WLR 3rd Floor at Polk State College’s Winter Haven Campus.
- SCORING SHEET CORRECTION: A discrepancy was found in the final scoring of the RFQ. Even though it did not change the outcome of the award, we wish to post the corrected scoring table.
RFQ 15-03 AE Oral Presentation Scores
Please click on the link: Clarification. It contains information that may assist in preparation of the presentations.
The short-lists and presentation schedules for RFQ #15-03 & RFQ #15-04 are available as of 7/2/2015: Short-lists & Presentation Schedules
- Bids for RFQ #15-03 were received from the following:
1. Rowe Architects
2. Williamson Dacar
3. Parlier & Crews
4. Furr & Wegman
5. Lunz/Prebor/Fowler
6. Long & Associates
7. DLR Group
8. Gould Evans
9. Straughn/Trout
- Bids for RFQ #15-04 were received from the following:
1. Henkelman Construction
2. Welbro Building
3. AD Morgan
4. Vogel Bros.
- Addendum #1 to RFQ #15-03 & RFQ #15-04 is available here: Addendum #1, RFQ #15-03 & RFQ #15-04.
- Addendum #2 to RFQ #15-03 & RFQ #15-04 is available here: Addendum #2, RFQ #15-03 & RFQ #15-04.
- A MANDATORY pre-proposal conference was held on June 3, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. at WLR -104, 999 Avenue H Northeast, Winter Haven, FL 33881. The presentation from the meeting is available for viewing: Presentation. The vendors’ sign-in sheet and business cards are available.
- The floor plans of the WLR first, second, and third floors can also be downloaded. This link leads to the list of the Evaluation Team Members: E-Team Members. Box labels for submittals are available here: RFQ 15-03 box label; RFQ 15-04 box label.
- RFQ package documents are available on May 15, 2015 at Polk State College’s Purchasing Department which is located at:
Polk State College
Administration Building
Room WAD 139
999 Avenue H, N.E.
Winter Haven, FL 33881-4299Requests for RFQ documents can be made via Email to or via facsimile at (863) 297-1085. RFQ documents can be downloaded here:
RFQ #15-03- Architect & Engineering Services Bid Document
RFQ #15-04- Construction Management at Risk Services Bid Document
- The bid submittal forms are posted in Word format here: RFQ #15-03 submittal forms; RFQ #15-04 submittal forms.
- Qualifications/proposals must be received by the Purchasing Department no later than 4:00 p.m. on June 17, 2015. Bids received after that time will be returned unopened.
M/WBE’s are encouraged to bid.
Visit our website at or contact Purchasing at 863.297.1083 with questions or comments.